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April 2017

Date Daily Yield (%) YTD Yield (%) 7-Day Yield (%) WAM Days to Reset WAM Days to Final Daily Dividend Net Asset Value (NAV)
04/30/2017 1.0751 0.9953 1.0741 56 71 0.000029454794 1.00020015
04/29/2017 1.0751 0.9946 1.0727 56 71 0.000029454794 1.00020015
04/28/2017 1.0751 0.9940 1.0712 56 71 0.000029454794 1.00020015
04/27/2017 1.0751 0.9933 1.0698 53 68 0.000029454795 1.00021974
04/26/2017 1.0751 0.9926 1.0684 55 70 0.000029454794 1.00021288
04/25/2017 1.0751 0.9918 1.0670 53 69 0.000029454794 1.00020302
04/24/2017 1.0681 0.9911 1.0655 53 69 0.000029262963 1.00020477
04/23/2017 1.0651 0.9904 1.0651 52 69 0.000029180822 1.00017358
04/22/2017 1.0651 0.9898 1.0651 52 69 0.000029180822 1.00017358
04/21/2017 1.0651 0.9891 1.0651 52 69 0.000029180822 1.00017358
04/20/2017 1.0651 0.9884 1.0651 53 70 0.000029180822 1.00020990
04/19/2017 1.0651 0.9877 1.0642 53 69 0.000029180822 1.00019845
04/18/2017 1.0651 0.9870 1.0632 52 69 0.000029180822 1.00008525
04/17/2017 1.0651 0.9862 1.0620 53 70 0.000029180822 1.00010728
04/16/2017 1.0650 0.9855 1.0611 56 73 0.000029178082 1.00004531
04/15/2017 1.0650 0.9847 1.0579 56 73 0.000029178082 1.00004531
04/14/2017 1.0650 0.9840 1.0546 56 73 0.000029178082 1.00004531
04/13/2017 1.0591 0.9832 1.0514 57 74 0.000029015771 1.00009207
04/12/2017 1.0578 0.9824 1.0489 56 73 0.000028981609 1.00008744
04/11/2017 1.0573 0.9817 1.0456 57 74 0.000028966330 1.00009949
04/10/2017 1.0584 0.9809 1.0424 57 74 0.000028996528 1.00008684
04/09/2017 1.0424 0.9801 1.0379 56 74 0.000028559984 1.00005395
04/08/2017 1.0424 0.9795 1.0351 56 74 0.000028559984 1.00005395
04/07/2017 1.0424 0.9789 1.0323 56 74 0.000028559984 1.00005395
04/06/2017 1.0413 0.9782 1.0295 56 74 0.000028528369 1.00009620
04/05/2017 1.0352 0.9775 1.0267 55 74 0.000028362308 1.00009647
04/04/2017 1.0343 0.9769 1.0248 54 72 0.000028335657 1.00009719
04/03/2017 1.0272 0.9763 1.0224 51 69 0.000028142954 1.00008753
04/02/2017 1.0227 0.9758 1.0208 50 68 0.000028019983 1.00002535
04/01/2017 1.0227 0.9752 1.0190 50 68 0.000028019983 1.00002535
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Texas CLASS Government
April 2017

Date Daily Yield (%) YTD Yield (%) 7-Day Yield (%) WAM Days to Reset WAM Days to Final Daily Dividend Net Asset Value (NAV)
04/30/2017 0.7392 0.6002 0.7217 46 82 0.000020253145 0.99982328
04/29/2017 0.7392 0.5991 0.7165 46 82 0.000020253145 0.99982328
04/28/2017 0.7392 0.5979 0.7114 46 82 0.000020253145 0.99982328
04/27/2017 0.7347 0.5967 0.7062 46 82 0.000020128943 0.99982896
04/26/2017 0.6978 0.5955 0.7017 39 73 0.000019117060 0.99985467
04/25/2017 0.6978 0.5946 0.7051 40 74 0.000019116952 0.99984824
04/24/2017 0.7039 0.5937 0.7088 42 78 0.000019284279 0.99984537
04/23/2017 0.7031 0.5927 0.7118 44 80 0.000019262079 0.99982913
04/22/2017 0.7031 0.5917 0.7145 44 80 0.000019262079 0.99982913
04/21/2017 0.7031 0.5907 0.7173 44 80 0.000019262079 0.99982913
04/20/2017 0.7031 0.5897 0.7200 45 80 0.000019262176 0.99982942
04/19/2017 0.7216 0.5886 0.7222 45 80 0.000019769024 0.99983343
04/18/2017 0.7237 0.5874 0.7215 46 81 0.000019826047 0.99983081
04/17/2017 0.7253 0.5861 0.7201 46 82 0.000019871823 0.99983165
04/16/2017 0.7220 0.5848 0.7190 49 84 0.000019781881 0.99981180
04/15/2017 0.7220 0.5835 0.7183 49 84 0.000019781881 0.99981180
04/14/2017 0.7220 0.5822 0.7176 49 84 0.000019781881 0.99981180
04/13/2017 0.7184 0.5808 0.7169 48 83 0.000019682910 0.99982174
04/12/2017 0.7168 0.5795 0.7165 49 83 0.000019637880 0.99982987
04/11/2017 0.7144 0.5781 0.7155 46 84 0.000019571848 0.99981395
04/10/2017 0.7176 0.5768 0.7151 47 85 0.000019660683 0.99980148
04/09/2017 0.7170 0.5753 0.7139 49 87 0.000019644952 0.99979751
04/08/2017 0.7170 0.5739 0.7123 49 87 0.000019644952 0.99979751
04/07/2017 0.7170 0.5724 0.7107 49 87 0.000019644952 0.99979751
04/06/2017 0.7154 0.5709 0.7091 49 88 0.000019600896 0.99979463
04/05/2017 0.7097 0.5694 0.7053 49 87 0.000019442628 0.99983172
04/04/2017 0.7121 0.5679 0.7021 50 88 0.000019508492 0.99983761
04/03/2017 0.7092 0.5663 0.7007 51 89 0.000019430807 0.99982915
04/02/2017 0.7057 0.5648 0.6997 53 91 0.000019334210 0.99980143
04/01/2017 0.7057 0.5632 0.6993 53 91 0.000019334210 0.99980143
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Annualized as of June 30, 2024

Time Period Texas CLASS Texas CLASS Government
Inception Date 10/1/2013 12/1/2016
1 year 5.7839% 5.4842%
3 years 3.3545% 3.0670%
5 years 2.3865% 2.1510%
10 years 1.7380% N/A
Since Inception 1.6225% 1.9510%
Benchmark(s) 1 year 3 year 5 year 10 year
ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Index 5.4023% 3.0322% 2.1571% 1.5119%

Data unaudited. Performance results are shown net of all fees and expenses and reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. Many factors affect performance including changes in market conditions and interest rates and in response to other economic, political, or financial developments. Investment involves risk including the possible loss of principal. No assurance can be given that the performance objectives of a given strategy will be achieved. Texas CLASS is not a bank. An investment in Texas CLASS is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although Texas CLASS seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any financial and/or investment decision may incur losses.

The ICE BofA ML 3-Month T-Bill Index is an unmanaged index that measures the returns of three-month U.S. Treasury Bills.

Investors cannot purchase the index directly. Fees will reduce returns.

Explanation of Yields