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November 2017

Date Daily Yield (%) YTD Yield (%) 7-Day Yield (%) WAM Days to Reset WAM Days to Final Daily Dividend Net Asset Value (NAV)
11/30/2017 1.3150 1.1290 1.3010 52 72 0.000036027398 1.00001298
11/29/2017 1.3068 1.1285 1.2982 51 71 0.000035803969 1.00002157
11/28/2017 1.3051 1.1279 1.2965 48 68 0.000035756165 1.00001550
11/27/2017 1.2951 1.1274 1.2951 47 67 0.000035482192 1.00002758
11/26/2017 1.2951 1.1269 1.2951 49 71 0.000035482192 0.99999240
11/25/2017 1.2951 1.1264 1.2953 49 71 0.000035482192 0.99999240
11/24/2017 1.2951 1.1259 1.2956 49 71 0.000035482191 0.99999240
11/23/2017 1.2951 1.1253 1.2958 51 73 0.000035482192 0.99999512
11/22/2017 1.2951 1.1248 1.2960 51 73 0.000035482192 0.99999512
11/21/2017 1.2951 1.1243 1.2960 52 75 0.000035482192 1.00001683
11/20/2017 1.2951 1.1238 1.2962 52 74 0.000035482192 1.00005079
11/19/2017 1.2968 1.1232 1.2964 55 77 0.000035529978 0.99997654
11/18/2017 1.2968 1.1227 1.2963 55 77 0.000035529978 0.99997654
11/17/2017 1.2968 1.1221 1.2962 55 77 0.000035529978 0.99997654
11/16/2017 1.2962 1.1216 1.2961 53 76 0.000035513026 1.00003905
11/15/2017 1.2951 1.1211 1.2960 55 76 0.000035482192 1.00004171
11/14/2017 1.2967 1.1205 1.2960 55 77 0.000035524732 1.00003923
11/13/2017 1.2959 1.1200 1.2958 55 77 0.000035505193 1.00003779
11/12/2017 1.2962 1.1194 1.2956 57 80 0.000035512329 0.99998931
11/11/2017 1.2962 1.1188 1.2955 57 80 0.000035512329 0.99998931
11/10/2017 1.2962 1.1183 1.2953 57 80 0.000035512329 0.99998931
11/09/2017 1.2956 1.1177 1.2952 57 80 0.000035495660 1.00006396
11/08/2017 1.2951 1.1171 1.2951 57 80 0.000035482191 1.00006297
11/07/2017 1.2951 1.1166 1.2958 58 81 0.000035482192 1.00005799
11/06/2017 1.2951 1.1160 1.2963 58 82 0.000035482192 1.00005517
11/05/2017 1.2951 1.1154 1.2949 58 84 0.000035482192 1.00000558
11/04/2017 1.2951 1.1148 1.2935 58 84 0.000035482192 1.00000558
11/03/2017 1.2951 1.1142 1.2921 58 84 0.000035482192 1.00000558
11/02/2017 1.2951 1.1136 1.2906 57 83 0.000035482192 1.00004456
11/01/2017 1.3002 1.1130 1.2889 57 84 0.000035622354 1.00005890
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Texas CLASS Government
November 2017

Date Daily Yield (%) YTD Yield (%) 7-Day Yield (%) WAM Days to Reset WAM Days to Final Daily Dividend Net Asset Value (NAV)
11/30/2017 1.1094 0.8312 1.1102 30 64 0.000030395761 0.99996290
11/29/2017 1.1077 0.8304 1.1096 31 66 0.000030347885 0.99996307
11/28/2017 1.1109 0.8296 1.1092 32 66 0.000030435085 0.99995417
11/27/2017 1.1120 0.8287 1.1083 32 66 0.000030466672 0.99994664
11/26/2017 1.1104 0.8278 1.1070 32 66 0.000030421834 0.99991469
11/25/2017 1.1104 0.8270 1.1066 32 66 0.000030421834 0.99991469
11/24/2017 1.1104 0.8261 1.1063 32 66 0.000030421833 0.99991469
11/23/2017 1.1052 0.8253 1.1060 32 67 0.000030280370 0.99991882
11/22/2017 1.1052 0.8244 1.1067 32 67 0.000030280370 0.99991882
11/21/2017 1.1047 0.8235 1.1077 33 68 0.000030266694 0.99993223
11/20/2017 1.1023 0.8227 1.1080 33 68 0.000030199233 0.99993675
11/19/2017 1.1081 0.8218 1.1076 35 70 0.000030358239 0.99991366
11/18/2017 1.1081 0.8209 1.1063 35 70 0.000030358239 0.99991366
11/17/2017 1.1081 0.8200 1.1051 35 70 0.000030358239 0.99991366
11/16/2017 1.1107 0.8191 1.1039 35 71 0.000030430301 0.99994489
11/15/2017 1.1121 0.8182 1.1023 36 72 0.000030469283 0.99994371
11/14/2017 1.1064 0.8173 1.1005 37 73 0.000030311088 0.99996227
11/13/2017 1.0994 0.8164 1.0991 37 74 0.000030121527 0.99996468
11/12/2017 1.0995 0.8155 1.0978 39 76 0.000030123562 0.99993826
11/11/2017 1.0995 0.8146 1.0965 39 76 0.000030123562 0.99993826
11/10/2017 1.0995 0.8137 1.0951 39 76 0.000030123562 0.99993826
11/09/2017 1.0995 0.8127 1.0938 39 76 0.000030124022 0.99996943
11/08/2017 1.0996 0.8118 1.0929 40 77 0.000030124724 0.99997544
11/07/2017 1.0969 0.8109 1.0911 40 78 0.000030053118 0.99998592
11/06/2017 1.0900 0.8100 1.0932 41 78 0.000029863709 0.99998487
11/05/2017 1.0901 0.8091 1.0939 43 80 0.000029865456 0.99996442
11/04/2017 1.0901 0.8082 1.0951 43 80 0.000029865456 0.99996442
11/03/2017 1.0901 0.8072 1.0963 43 80 0.000029865456 0.99996442
11/02/2017 1.0933 0.8063 1.0975 43 81 0.000029953005 1.00000409
11/01/2017 1.0869 0.8054 1.0985 44 82 0.000029779242 1.00001418
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Annualized as of June 30, 2024

Time Period Texas CLASS Texas CLASS Government
Inception Date 10/1/2013 12/1/2016
1 year 5.7839% 5.4842%
3 years 3.3545% 3.0670%
5 years 2.3865% 2.1510%
10 years 1.7380% N/A
Since Inception 1.6225% 1.9510%
Benchmark(s) 1 year 3 year 5 year 10 year
ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Index 5.4023% 3.0322% 2.1571% 1.5119%

Data unaudited. Performance results are shown net of all fees and expenses and reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. Many factors affect performance including changes in market conditions and interest rates and in response to other economic, political, or financial developments. Investment involves risk including the possible loss of principal. No assurance can be given that the performance objectives of a given strategy will be achieved. Texas CLASS is not a bank. An investment in Texas CLASS is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although Texas CLASS seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any financial and/or investment decision may incur losses.

The ICE BofA ML 3-Month T-Bill Index is an unmanaged index that measures the returns of three-month U.S. Treasury Bills.

Investors cannot purchase the index directly. Fees will reduce returns.

Explanation of Yields