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October 2017

Date Daily Yield (%) YTD Yield (%) 7-Day Yield (%) WAM Days to Reset WAM Days to Final Daily Dividend Net Asset Value (NAV)
10/31/2017 1.2982 1.1124 1.2856 55 82 0.000035567441 1.00004321
10/30/2017 1.2857 1.1118 1.2823 54 81 0.000035223955 1.00003984
10/29/2017 1.2851 1.1112 1.2811 56 83 0.000035208219 1.00000787
10/28/2017 1.2851 1.1107 1.2797 56 83 0.000035208219 1.00000787
10/27/2017 1.2851 1.1101 1.2782 56 83 0.000035208219 1.00000787
10/26/2017 1.2827 1.1095 1.2768 56 81 0.000035143589 1.00005877
10/25/2017 1.2775 1.1089 1.2757 55 80 0.000034999018 1.00004323
10/24/2017 1.2751 1.1083 1.2754 55 81 0.000034934247 1.00004211
10/23/2017 1.2770 1.1078 1.2754 56 82 0.000034986348 1.00004952
10/22/2017 1.2751 1.1072 1.2751 56 83 0.000034934246 1.00002850
10/21/2017 1.2751 1.1066 1.2751 56 83 0.000034934247 1.00002850
10/20/2017 1.2751 1.1061 1.2751 56 83 0.000034934247 1.00002850
10/19/2017 1.2751 1.1055 1.2751 55 83 0.000034934247 1.00007397
10/18/2017 1.2751 1.1049 1.2737 55 81 0.000034934247 1.00006855
10/17/2017 1.2751 1.1043 1.2710 55 80 0.000034934247 1.00007648
10/16/2017 1.2751 1.1037 1.2696 53 78 0.000034934247 1.00006195
10/15/2017 1.2751 1.1031 1.2653 55 81 0.000034934246 1.00002074
10/14/2017 1.2751 1.1025 1.2610 55 81 0.000034934246 1.00002074
10/13/2017 1.2751 1.1019 1.2567 55 81 0.000034934246 1.00002074
10/12/2017 1.2651 1.1013 1.2524 55 82 0.000034660273 1.00006798
10/11/2017 1.2565 1.1007 1.2503 55 81 0.000034425470 1.00005980
10/10/2017 1.2651 1.1002 1.2501 54 80 0.000034660275 1.00007242
10/09/2017 1.2451 1.0996 1.2473 56 83 0.000034112329 1.00001704
10/08/2017 1.2451 1.0991 1.2473 56 83 0.000034112329 1.00001704
10/07/2017 1.2451 1.0986 1.2487 56 83 0.000034112329 1.00001704
10/06/2017 1.2451 1.0980 1.2501 56 83 0.000034112329 1.00001704
10/05/2017 1.2503 1.0975 1.2516 56 84 0.000034253583 1.00008939
10/04/2017 1.2551 1.0970 1.2518 55 83 0.000034386301 1.00007524
10/03/2017 1.2451 1.0964 1.2504 53 78 0.000034112329 1.00005864
10/02/2017 1.2451 1.0959 1.2504 53 77 0.000034112329 1.00007797
10/01/2017 1.2551 1.0953 1.2497 54 78 0.000034386301 1.00001111
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Texas CLASS Government
October 2017

Date Daily Yield (%) YTD Yield (%) 7-Day Yield (%) WAM Days to Reset WAM Days to Final Daily Dividend Net Asset Value (NAV)
10/31/2017 1.1116 0.8045 1.1003 44 82 0.000030454752 1.00002806
10/30/2017 1.0952 0.8034 1.0980 45 83 0.000030005229 1.00002019
10/29/2017 1.0984 0.8025 1.0986 46 85 0.000030093851 0.99999261
10/28/2017 1.0984 0.8015 1.0986 46 85 0.000030093851 0.99999261
10/27/2017 1.0984 0.8005 1.0987 46 85 0.000030093851 0.99999261
10/26/2017 1.1007 0.7995 1.0988 44 85 0.000030155774 1.00001606
10/25/2017 1.0994 0.7985 1.0974 44 86 0.000030121909 1.00001289
10/24/2017 1.0957 0.7975 1.0963 45 87 0.000030018180 1.00001445
10/23/2017 1.0989 0.7965 1.0930 45 87 0.000030105868 1.00001167
10/22/2017 1.0989 0.7954 1.0892 47 89 0.000030107727 0.99998542
10/21/2017 1.0989 0.7944 1.0848 47 89 0.000030107727 0.99998542
10/20/2017 1.0989 0.7934 1.0804 47 89 0.000030107727 0.99998542
10/19/2017 1.0912 0.7923 1.0759 47 90 0.000029897114 1.00002132
10/18/2017 1.0913 0.7913 1.0763 48 90 0.000029897802 1.00000049
10/17/2017 1.0725 0.7903 1.0720 46 86 0.000029384696 0.99998893
10/16/2017 1.0726 0.7893 1.0700 46 86 0.000029385462 0.99998623
10/15/2017 1.0680 0.7883 1.0681 48 88 0.000029259891 0.99996083
10/14/2017 1.0680 0.7873 1.0668 48 88 0.000029259891 0.99996083
10/13/2017 1.0680 0.7863 1.0656 48 88 0.000029259891 0.99996083
10/12/2017 1.0941 0.7854 1.0643 48 89 0.000029974542 0.99997484
10/11/2017 1.0606 0.7843 1.0589 34 66 0.000029058840 0.99997869
10/10/2017 1.0590 0.7833 1.0592 35 69 0.000029013805 0.99999232
10/09/2017 1.0591 0.7823 1.0596 17 58 0.000029016009 0.99996203
10/08/2017 1.0591 0.7813 1.0597 17 58 0.000029016009 0.99996203
10/07/2017 1.0591 0.7803 1.0618 17 58 0.000029016009 0.99996203
10/06/2017 1.0591 0.7793 1.0640 17 58 0.000029016009 0.99996203
10/05/2017 1.0566 0.7783 1.0661 17 59 0.000028949039 0.99999591
10/04/2017 1.0625 0.7773 1.0678 10 23 0.000029110333 0.99999944
10/03/2017 1.0615 0.7763 1.0685 11 24 0.000029083295 1.00000172
10/02/2017 1.0601 0.7753 1.0700 11 24 0.000029043184 0.99999873
10/01/2017 1.0740 0.7742 1.0718 13 26 0.000029424198 0.99998429
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Annualized as of June 30, 2024

Time Period Texas CLASS Texas CLASS Government
Inception Date 10/1/2013 12/1/2016
1 year 5.7839% 5.4842%
3 years 3.3545% 3.0670%
5 years 2.3865% 2.1510%
10 years 1.7380% N/A
Since Inception 1.6225% 1.9510%
Benchmark(s) 1 year 3 year 5 year 10 year
ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Index 5.4023% 3.0322% 2.1571% 1.5119%

Data unaudited. Performance results are shown net of all fees and expenses and reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. Many factors affect performance including changes in market conditions and interest rates and in response to other economic, political, or financial developments. Investment involves risk including the possible loss of principal. No assurance can be given that the performance objectives of a given strategy will be achieved. Texas CLASS is not a bank. An investment in Texas CLASS is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although Texas CLASS seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any financial and/or investment decision may incur losses.

The ICE BofA ML 3-Month T-Bill Index is an unmanaged index that measures the returns of three-month U.S. Treasury Bills.

Investors cannot purchase the index directly. Fees will reduce returns.

Explanation of Yields