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December 2023

Date Daily Yield (%) YTD Yield (%) 7-Day Yield (%) WAM Days to Reset WAM Days to Final Daily Dividend Net Asset Value (NAV)
12/31/2023 5.5688 5.2302 5.5650 50 74 0.000152570 0.99999503
12/30/2023 5.5688 5.2293 5.5630 51 75 0.000152570 1.00008089
12/29/2023 5.5688 5.2283 5.5611 51 76 0.000152570 1.00016674
12/28/2023 5.5712 5.2274 5.5591 51 77 0.000152636 1.00016126
12/27/2023 5.5630 5.2264 5.5573 52 78 0.000152411 1.00016411
12/26/2023 5.5591 5.2255 5.5595 51 77 0.000152304 1.00012688
12/25/2023 5.5551 5.2246 5.5628 52 78 0.000152194 0.99988010
12/24/2023 5.5551 5.2236 5.5666 53 79 0.000152194 0.99996640
12/23/2023 5.5551 5.2227 5.5702 53 80 0.000152194 1.00005270
12/22/2023 5.5551 5.2218 5.5738 54 81 0.000152195 1.00013901
12/21/2023 5.5587 5.2208 5.5774 55 83 0.000152292 1.00013601
12/20/2023 5.5785 5.2199 5.5801 56 84 0.000152837 1.00013079
12/19/2023 5.5822 5.2189 5.5793 55 83 0.000152938 1.00012338
12/18/2023 5.5812 5.2178 5.5780 55 83 0.000152910 1.00014570
12/17/2023 5.5803 5.2168 5.5775 55 82 0.000152885 0.99996956
12/16/2023 5.5803 5.2158 5.5770 56 83 0.000152885 1.00006082
12/15/2023 5.5803 5.2147 5.5765 57 84 0.000152885 1.00015207
12/14/2023 5.5778 5.2137 5.5759 56 84 0.000152817 1.00015492
12/13/2023 5.5727 5.2126 5.5745 55 83 0.000152676 1.00011123
12/12/2023 5.5734 5.2116 5.5760 55 82 0.000152697 1.00007844
12/11/2023 5.5779 5.2105 5.5780 55 81 0.000152820 1.00007798
12/10/2023 5.5765 5.2095 5.5812 54 79 0.000152782 0.99990439
12/09/2023 5.5765 5.2084 5.5833 55 80 0.000152782 0.99999429
12/08/2023 5.5765 5.2073 5.5855 56 81 0.000152781 1.00008425
12/07/2023 5.5677 5.2062 5.5876 55 79 0.000152540 1.00008298
12/06/2023 5.5835 5.2052 5.5912 55 78 0.000152974 1.00007805
12/05/2023 5.5875 5.2041 5.5917 54 77 0.000153082 1.00007111
12/04/2023 5.5997 5.2029 5.5913 55 78 0.000153417 1.00007355
12/03/2023 5.5917 5.2017 5.5891 54 77 0.000153196 0.99983181
12/02/2023 5.5917 5.2006 5.5885 54 78 0.000153196 0.99992335
12/01/2023 5.5917 5.1994 5.5879 55 79 0.000153196 1.00001488
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Texas CLASS Government
December 2023

Date Daily Yield (%) YTD Yield (%) 7-Day Yield (%) WAM Days to Reset WAM Days to Final Daily Dividend Net Asset Value (NAV)
12/31/2023 5.2582 4.8799 5.2478 21 71 0.000144061 1.00011847
12/30/2023 5.2582 4.8789 5.2426 21 72 0.000144061 1.00014588
12/29/2023 5.2582 4.8778 5.2374 22 72 0.000144061 1.00017328
12/28/2023 5.2633 4.8768 5.2322 21 73 0.000144200 1.00011100
12/27/2023 5.2443 4.8757 5.2268 22 75 0.000143680 1.00011406
12/26/2023 5.2302 4.8747 5.2244 22 75 0.000143292 1.00011220
12/25/2023 5.2219 4.8737 5.2245 23 76 0.000143065 1.00009350
12/24/2023 5.2219 4.8727 5.2261 23 77 0.000143065 1.00012243
12/23/2023 5.2219 4.8717 5.2282 23 77 0.000143065 1.00015136
12/22/2023 5.2219 4.8708 5.2302 24 78 0.000143064 1.00018029
12/21/2023 5.2257 4.8698 5.2323 24 79 0.000143171 1.00010911
12/20/2023 5.2274 4.8688 5.2330 24 81 0.000143218 1.00009492
12/19/2023 5.2307 4.8677 5.2330 25 78 0.000143308 1.00009347
12/18/2023 5.2334 4.8667 5.2325 25 79 0.000143381 1.00009089
12/17/2023 5.2362 4.8657 5.2319 26 79 0.000143457 1.00007509
12/16/2023 5.2362 4.8646 5.2307 26 80 0.000143457 1.00010708
12/15/2023 5.2362 4.8635 5.2295 26 80 0.000143458 1.00013907
12/14/2023 5.2308 4.8625 5.2283 26 79 0.000143309 1.00010424
12/13/2023 5.2276 4.8614 5.2278 24 78 0.000143221 1.00005156
12/12/2023 5.2273 4.8604 5.2282 24 78 0.000143214 1.00004359
12/11/2023 5.2290 4.8593 5.2302 23 77 0.000143259 1.00004174
12/10/2023 5.2279 4.8582 5.2329 23 77 0.000143231 1.00005523
12/09/2023 5.2279 4.8571 5.2338 23 78 0.000143231 1.00008513
12/08/2023 5.2279 4.8561 5.2346 24 78 0.000143231 1.00011503
12/07/2023 5.2269 4.8550 5.2355 23 77 0.000143202 1.00007601
12/06/2023 5.2302 4.8539 5.2331 21 72 0.000143294 1.00005827
12/05/2023 5.2417 4.8528 5.2331 22 70 0.000143607 1.00005129
12/04/2023 5.2479 4.8516 5.2309 21 70 0.000143778 1.00004964
12/03/2023 5.2339 4.8504 5.2279 21 70 0.000143395 1.00005214
12/02/2023 5.2339 4.8493 5.2269 22 71 0.000143395 1.00008071
12/01/2023 5.2339 4.8481 5.2259 22 72 0.000143395 1.00010928
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Annualized as of June 30, 2024

Time Period Texas CLASS Texas CLASS Government
Inception Date 10/1/2013 12/1/2016
1 year 5.7839% 5.4842%
3 years 3.3545% 3.0670%
5 years 2.3865% 2.1510%
10 years 1.7380% N/A
Since Inception 1.6225% 1.9510%
Benchmark(s) 1 year 3 year 5 year 10 year
ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Index 5.4023% 3.0322% 2.1571% 1.5119%

Data unaudited. Performance results are shown net of all fees and expenses and reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. Many factors affect performance including changes in market conditions and interest rates and in response to other economic, political, or financial developments. Investment involves risk including the possible loss of principal. No assurance can be given that the performance objectives of a given strategy will be achieved. Texas CLASS is not a bank. An investment in Texas CLASS is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although Texas CLASS seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any financial and/or investment decision may incur losses.

The ICE BofA ML 3-Month T-Bill Index is an unmanaged index that measures the returns of three-month U.S. Treasury Bills.

Investors cannot purchase the index directly. Fees will reduce returns.

Explanation of Yields